For the most up-to-date information on Flugrobotik/Flight Robotics projects, please visit:
- AirCap:
- WildCap:
- AeroShip:
- AirCapRL:
- ActiveSLAM:
(Journal-) Articles
- 44.Goldschmid, P., & Ahmad, A. (2024). Reinforcement learning based autonomous multi-rotor landing on moving platforms. Autonomous Robots, 48(4), Article 4.
- 43.Saini, N., Huang, C.-H. P., Black, M. J., & Ahmad, A. (2023). SmartMocap: Joint Estimation of Human and Camera Motion Using Uncalibrated RGB Cameras. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 8(6), Article 6.
- 42.Price, E., Black, M. J., & Ahmad, A. (2023). Viewpoint-Driven Formation Control of Airships for Cooperative Target Tracking. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 8(6), Article 6.
- 41.Bonetto, E., Goldschmid, P., Pabst, M., Black, M. J., & Ahmad, A. (2022). iRotate: Active visual SLAM for omnidirectional robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems.
- 40.Saini, N., Bonetto, E., Price, E., Ahmad, A., & Black, M. J. (2022). AirPose: Multi-View Fusion Network for Aerial 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(2), Article 2.
- 39.Tallamraju, R., Saini, N., Bonetto, E., Pabst, M., Liu, Y. T., Black, M., & Ahmad, A. (2020). AirCapRL: Autonomous Aerial Human Motion Capture Using Deep Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(4), Article 4.
- 38.Tallamraju, R., Price, E., Ludwig, R., Karlapalem, K., Bülthoff, H. H., Black, M. J., & Ahmad, A. (2019). Active Perception based Formation Control for Multiple Aerial Vehicles. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 4(4), Article 4.
- 37.Price, E., Lawless, G., Ludwig, R., Martinovic, I., Buelthoff, H. H., Black, M. J., & Ahmad, A. (2018). Deep Neural Network-based Cooperative Visual Tracking through Multiple Micro Aerial Vehicles. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(4), Article 4.
- 36.Ahmad, A., Lawless, G., & Lima, P. (2017). An Online Scalable Approach to Unified Multirobot Cooperative Localization and Object Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), 33, 1184–1199.
- 35.Ahmad, A., & Bülthoff, H. (2016). Moving-horizon Nonlinear Least Squares-based Multirobot Cooperative Perception. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 83, 275--286.
- 34.Lima, P., Ahmad, A., Dias, A., Conceicão, A., Moreira, A., Silva, E., Almeida, L., Oliveira, L., & Nascimento, T. (2015). Formation control driven by cooperative object tracking. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 63(1), Article 1.
- 33.Ahmad, A., Xavier, J., Santos-Victor, J., & Lima, P. (2014). 3D to 2D bijection for spherical objects under equidistant fisheye projection. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 125, 172--183.
- 32.Ahmad, A., & Lima, P. (2013). Multi-robot cooperative spherical-object tracking in 3D space based on particle filters. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 61(10), Article 10.
- 31.Saini, N., Price, E., Tallamraju, R., Enficiaud, R., Ludwig, R., Martinović, I., Ahmad, A., & Black, M. (2019). Markerless Outdoor Human Motion Capture Using Multiple Autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles. Proceedings 2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 823--832.
- 30.Tallamraju, R., Rajappa, S., Black, M. J., Karlapalem, K., & Ahmad, A. (2018). Decentralized MPC based Obstacle Avoidance for Multi-Robot Target Tracking Scenarios. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), 1–8.
- 29.Ahmad, A., Ruff, E., & Bülthoff, H. (2016). Dynamic baseline stereo vision-based cooperative target tracking. 19th International Conference on Information Fusion, 1728–1734.
- 28.Ahmad, A., & Bülthoff, H. (2015). Moving-horizon Nonlinear Least Squares-based Multirobot Cooperative Perception. 7th European Conference on Mobile Robots, 1–8.
- 27.Schneider, S., Hegger, F., Kraetzschmar, G., Amigoni, F., Berghofer, J., Bischoff, R., Bonarini, A., Dwiputra, R., Iocchi, L., Lima, P., Matteucci, M., Nardi, D., Awaad, I., Ahmad, A., Fontana, G., Hochgeschwender, N., & Schiaffonati, V. (2014, June). The RoCKIn@Home User Story.
- 26.Dwiputra, R., Berghofer, J., Amigoni, F., Bischoff, R., Bonarini, A., Iocchi, L., Kraetzschmar, G., Lima, P., Matteucci, M., Nardi, D., Ahmad, A., Awaad, I., Fontana, G., Hegger, F., Hochgeschwender, N., Schiaffonati, V., & Schneider, S. (2014, June). Overview on the RoCKIn@Work Challenge.
Conference papers
- 25.Patel, M., Bandopadhyay, A., & Ahmad, A. (2022). Collaborative Mapping of Archaeological Sites Using Multiple UAVs. In M. H. Ang Jr, H. Asama, W. Lin, & S. Foong (Eds.), Intelligent Autonomous Systems 16 (pp. 54--70). Springer International Publishing.
- 24.Price, E., Liu, Y. T., Black, M. J., & Ahmad, A. (2022). Simulation and Control of Deformable Autonomous Airships in Turbulent Wind. In M. H. Ang Jr, H. Asama, W. Lin, & S. Foong (Eds.), Intelligent Autonomous Systems 16 (pp. 608--626). Springer International Publishing.
- 23.Price, E., Liu, Y. T., Black, M. J., & Ahmad, A. (2021, June). Simulation and Control of Deformable Autonomous Airships in Turbulent Wind. 16th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous System (IAS).
- 22.Bonetto, E., Goldschmid, P., Black, M. J., & Ahmad, A. (2021). Active Visual SLAM with Independently Rotating Camera. 2021 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), 1–8.
- 21.Ahmad, A., Price, E., Tallamraju, R., Saini, N., Lawless, G., Ludwig, R., Martinovic, I., Bülthoff, H. H., & Black, M. J. (2019, November). AirCap -- Aerial Outdoor Motion Capture. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019), Workshop on Aerial Swarms.
- 20.Tallamraju, R., Salunkhe, D., Rajappa, S., Ahmad, A., Karlapalem, K., & Shah, S. V. (2019). Motion Planning for Multi-Mobile-Manipulator Payload Transport Systems. 15th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 1469--1474.
- 19.Ventura, R., & Ahmad, A. (2015). Towards Optimal Robot Navigation in Urban Homes. RoboCup 2014: Robot World Cup XVIII, 318–331.
- 18.Sanz, D., Ahmad, A., & Lima, P. (2015). Onboard robust person detection and tracking for domestic service robots. Robot 2015: Second Iberian Robotics Conference, 547–559.
- 17.Ahmad, A., & Lima, P. (2015). Dataset Suite for Benchmarking Perception in Robotics. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2015.
- 16.Odelga, M., Stegagno, P., Bülthoff, H., & Ahmad, A. (2015). A Setup for multi-UAV hardware-in-the-loop simulations. 204–210.
- 15.Ahmad, A., Nascimento, T., Conceicao, A., Moreira, A., & Lima, P. (2013). Perception-driven multi-robot formation control. 1851–1856.
- 14.Troppan, A., Guerreiro, E., Celiberti, F., Santos, G., Ahmad, A., & Lima, P. (2013). Unknown-color spherical object detection and tracking. 1–4.
- 13.Ahmad, A., Tipaldi, G., Lima, P., & Burgard, W. (2013). Cooperative Robot Localization and Target Tracking based on Least Squares Minimization. 5696–5701.
- 12.Ahmad, A., & Lima, P. (2013). Multi-Robot Cooperative Object Tracking Based on Particle Filters. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 61(10), Article 10.
- 11.Lima, P., Santos, P., Oliveira, R., Ahmad, A., & Santos, J. (2011). Cooperative Localization Based on Visually Shared Objects. RoboCup 2010: Robot Soccer World Cup XIV, 350–361.
- 10.Ahmad, A., Del Bue, A., & Lima, P. (2009). Background Subtraction Based on Rank Constraint for Point Trajectories. 1–3.
- 9.Ahmad, A., & Dhang, N. (2008). Probabilistic Roadmap Method and Real Time Gait Changing Technique Implementation for Travel Time Optimization on a Designed Six-legged Robot. 1–5.
Research Reports
- 8.Ahmad, A., Amigoni, F., Awaad, I., Berghofer, J., Bischoff, R., Bonarini, A., Dwiputra, R., Fontana, G., Hegger, F., Hochgeschwender, N., Iocchi, L., Kraetzschmar, G., Lima, P., Matteucci, M., Nardi, D., & Schneider, S. (2014). RoCKIn@Home in a Nutshell (Nos. FP7-ICT-601012 Revision 0.8; Issues FP7-ICT-601012 Revision 0.8). RoCKIn - Robot Competitions Kick Innovation in Cognitive Systems and Robotics.
- 7.Ahmad, A., Amigoni, A., Awaad, I., Berghofer, J., Bischoff, R., Bonarini, A., Dwiputra, R., Fontana, G., Hegger, F., Hochgeschwender, N., Iocchi, L., Kraetzschmar, G., Lima, P., Matteucci, M., Nardi, D., Schiaffonati, V., & Schneider, S. (2014). RoCKIn@Work in a Nutshell (Nos. FP7-ICT-601012 Revision 1.2; Issues FP7-ICT-601012 Revision 1.2). RoCKIn - Robot Competitions Kick Innovation in Cognitive Systems and Robotics.
- 6.Ahmad, A., Awaad, I., Amigoni, F., Berghofer, J., Bischoff, R., Bonarini, A., Dwiputra, R., Hegger, F., Hochgeschwender, N., Iocchi, L., Kraetzschmar, G., Lima, P., Matteucci, M., Nardi, D., & Schneider, S. (2013). D2.1.4 RoCKIn@Work - Innovation in Mobile Industrial Manipulation Competition Design, Rule Book, and Scenario Construction (Nos. FP7-ICT-601012 Revision 0.7; Issues FP7-ICT-601012 Revision 0.7). RoCKIn - Robot Competitions Kick Innovation in Cognitive Systems and Robotics.
- 5.Messias, J., Ahmad, A., Reis, J., Serafim, M., & Lima, P. (2013). SocRob-MSL 2013 Team Description Paper for Middle Sized League. 17th Annual RoboCup International Symposium 2013.
- 4.Ahmad, A., Awaad, I., Amigoni, F., Berghofer, J., Bischoff, R., Bonarini, A., Dwiputra, R., Hegger, F., Hochgeschwender, N., Iocchi, L., Kraetzschmar, G., Lima, P., Matteucci, M., Nardi, D., & Schneider, S. (2013). D2.1.1 RoCKIn@Home - A Competition for Domestic Service Robots Competition Design, Rule Book, and Scenario Construction (Nos. FP7-ICT-601012 Revision 0.7; Issues FP7-ICT-601012 Revision 0.7). RoCKIn - Robot Competitions Kick Innovation in Cognitive Systems and Robotics.
- 3.Ahmad, A., Awaad, I., Amigoni, F., Berghofer, J., Bischoff, R., Bonarini, A., Dwiputra, R., Fontana, G., Hegger, F., Hochgeschwender, N., Iocchi, L., Kraetzschmar, G., Lima, P., Matteucci, M., Nardi, D., Schiaffonati, V., & Schneider, S. (2013). D1.1 Specification of General Features of Scenarios and Robots for Benchmarking Through Competitions (Nos. FP7-ICT-601012 Revision 1.0; Issues FP7-ICT-601012 Revision 1.0). RoCKIn - Robot Competitions Kick Innovation in Cognitive Systems and Robotics.
- 2.Messias, J., Ahmad, A., Reis, J., Sousa, J., & Lima, P. (2011). ISocRob-MSL 2011 Team Description Paper for Middle Sized League. 15th Annual RoboCup International Symposium 2011.
- 1.Lima, P., Santos, J., Estilita, J., Barbosa, M., Ahmad, A., & Carreira, J. (2009). ISocRob-MSL 2009 Team Description Paper for Middle Sized League. 13th Annual RoboCup International Symposium 2009.
Aamir Ahmad
Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.Deputy Director (Research)