+49 711 685 66617
+49 711 685 66670
Visitenkarte (VCF)
Pfaffenwaldring 27
70569 Stuttgart
Raum: 2.043
- In der Vorlesungszeit: Montags, 16 bis 17 Uhr, und donnerstags, 12 bis 13 Uhr.
- Außerhalb der Vorlesungszeit nach Vereinbarung.
Nichtlineare Systemtheorie, Mathematische Optimierung, Optimierungsbasierte Regelansätze, Systemtheoretische Methoden in der Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik.
2013 B.Sc. Computer Science, University of Würzburg
2014 B.Sc. Aerospace Computer Engineering, University of Würzburg
2016 M.Sc. Automation Engineering, RWTH Aachen University
2019 Dr. Systems & Control, ISAÉ-Supaéro, University of Toulouse
- I. Kolmanovsky, T. Cunis, und E. Garone, „Command Governors Based on Bilevel Optimization for Constrained Spacecraft Orbital Transfer“, in AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, in AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Jan. 2024. doi: 10.2514/6.2024-0097.
- T. Cunis und H. Pfifer, „A semi-algebraic view on quadratic constraints for polynomial systems“, Automatica, Bd. 163, Nr. 111549, Art. Nr. 111549, 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.automatica.2024.111549.
- T. Cunis und B. Legat, „Sequential sum-of-squares programming for analysis of nonlinear systems“, in 2023 American Control Conference, in 2023 American Control Conference. San Diego, CA, 2023. doi: 10.23919/ACC55779.2023.10156153.
- T. Cunis, I. Kolmanovsky, und C. E. S. Cesnik, „Integrating Nonlinear Controllability into a Multidisciplinary Design Process“, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Bd. 46, Nr. 6, Art. Nr. 6, 2023, doi: 10.2514/1.G007067.
- T. Cunis und I. Kolmanovsky, „Input-to-State Stability of a Bilevel Proximal Gradient Descent Algorithm“, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Bd. 56, Nr. 2, Art. Nr. 2, 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.633.
- T. Skibik, D. Liao-McPherson, T. Cunis, I. V. Kolmanovsky, und M. M. Nicotra, „A Feasibility Governor for Enlarging the Region of Attraction of Linear Model Predictive Controllers“, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Bd. 67, Nr. 10, Art. Nr. 10, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TAC.2021.3123224.
- R. Schieni, M. Simsek, T. Cunis, O. Bilgen, und L. Burlion, „Control of Bistable Structures Using a Modified Hybrid Position Feedback Controller“, in AIAA SciTech Forum 2022, in AIAA SciTech Forum 2022. San Diego, CA, 2022. doi: 10.2514/6.2022-0922.
- T. Cunis, I. Kolmanovsky, und C. E. S. Cesnik, „Control Co-Design Optimization: Integrating nonlinear controllability into a multidisciplinary design process“, in AIAA SciTech Forum 2022, in AIAA SciTech Forum 2022. San Diego, CA, 2022. doi: 10.2514/6.2022-2176.
- T. Cunis, „Local Stability Analysis for Sensor-based Inexact Feedback Linearization“, in 6th CEAS Conference on Guidance, Navigation, and Control, in 6th CEAS Conference on Guidance, Navigation, and Control. Berlin, 2022. [Online]. Verfügbar unter: https://eurognc.ceas.org/archive/EuroGNC2022/html/CEAS-GNC-2022-052.html
- R. M. Bertolin, G. C. Barbosa, T. Cunis, I. Kolmanovsky, und C. E. S. Cesnik, „Gust Rejection of a Supersonic Aircraft During Final Approach“, in AIAA SciTech Forum 2022, in AIAA SciTech Forum 2022. San Diego, CA, 2022. doi: 10.2514/6.2022-2174.
- T. Skibik, D. Liao-McPherson, T. Cunis, I. Kolmanovsky, und M. M. Nicotra, „Feasibility Governor for Linear Model Predictive Control“, in Proceedings of the American Control Conference, in Proceedings of the American Control Conference. New Orleans, LA, 2021, S. 2329--2335. doi: 10.23919/ACC50511.2021.9483054.
- B. Lai, T. Cunis, und L. Burlion, „Nonlinear Trajectory Based Region of Attraction Estimation for Aircraft Dynamics Analysis“, in AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, in AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum. Virtual, 2021. doi: 10.2514/6.2021-0253.
- T. Cunis und I. Kolmanovsky, „Viability, viscosity, and storage functions in model-predictive control with terminal constraints“, Automatica, Bd. 131, Nr. 109748, Art. Nr. 109748, 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.automatica.2021.109748.
- T. Cunis, J.-P. Condomines, L. Burlion, und A. la Cour-Harbo, „Dynamic Stability Analysis of Aircraft Flight in Deep Stall“, Journal of Aircraft, Bd. 57, Nr. 1, Art. Nr. 1, 2020, doi: 10.2514/1.C035455.
- T. Cunis, J.-P. Condomines, und L. Burlion, „Local stability analysis for large polynomial spline systems“, Automatica, Bd. 113, S. 108773, 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.automatica.2019.108773.
- T. Cunis, J. P. Condomines, und L. Burlion, „Sum-of-squares flight control synthesis for deep-stall recovery“, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Bd. 43, Nr. 8, Art. Nr. 8, 2020, doi: 10.2514/1.G004753.
- T. Cunis, D. Liao-McPherson, I. Kolmanovsky, und L. Burlion, „Model-Predictive Spiral and Spin Upset Recovery Control for the Generic Transport Model Simulation“, in 2020 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, in 2020 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications. Montréal, 2020, S. 1--7. doi: 10.1109/CCTA41146.2020.9206158.
- M. Karásek u. a., „Accurate position control of a flapping-wing robot enabling free-flight flow visualisation in a wind tunnel“, in International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, in International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, vol. 11. 2019. doi: 10.1177/1756829319833683.
- T. Cunis, L. Burlion, und J.-P. P. Condomines, „Piecewise polynomial modeling for control and analysis of aircraft dynamics beyond stall“, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Bd. 42, Nr. 4, Art. Nr. 4, 2019, doi: 10.2514/1.G003618.
- T. Cunis, „Modeling, Analysis, and Control for Upset Recovery: From system theory to unmanned aircraft flight“, Doctoral thesis, ISAE-Supaéro, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, 2019. [Online]. Verfügbar unter: https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-02555908
- T. Cunis, D. Liao-McPherson, J. P. Condomines, L. Burlion, und I. Kolmanovsky, „Economic Model-Predictive Control Strategies for Aircraft Deep-stall Recovery with Stability Guarantees“, in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Nice, 2019, S. 157--162. doi: 10.1109/CDC40024.2019.9030207.
- T. Cunis, T. Leth, L. C. Totu, und A. la Cour-Harbo, „Identification of Thrust, Lift, and Drag for Deep-stall Flight Data of a Fixed-wing Unmanned Aircraft“, in 2018 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, in 2018 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Dallas, TX, 2018, S. 531--538. doi: 10.1109/ICUAS.2018.8453340.
- T. Cunis, L. Burlion, und J.-P. Condomines, „Piece-wise identification and analysis of the aerodynamic coefficients, trim conditions, and safe sets of the generic transport model“, in AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, in AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference. 2018. doi: 10.2514/6.2018-1114.
- T. Cunis und E. Baskaya, „Performance of Unmanned Aircrafts in the Event of Loss-of-control“, in 10th International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Competition, in 10th International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Competition. Melbourne, 2018.
- T. Cunis, „The pwpfit Toolbox for Polynomial and Piece-wise Polynomial Data Fitting“, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Bd. 51, Nr. 15, Art. Nr. 15, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.09.204.
- T. Cunis, J.-P. Condomines, und L. Burlion, „Full-envelope, six-degrees-of-freedom trim analysis of unmanned aerial systems based on piece-wise polynomial aerodynamic coefficients“, in 2017 Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems, in 2017 Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems. 2017, S. 108--113. doi: 10.1109/RED-UAS.2017.8101652.
- T. Cunis, L. Burlion, und J.-P. Condomines, „Non-linear Analysis and Control Proposal for In-flight Loss-of-control“, in Preprints of the 20th IFAC World Congress, in Preprints of the 20th IFAC World Congress. Toulouse, 2017, S. 10681--10685.
- T. Cunis, M. Karásek, und G. C. H. E. de Croon, „Precision Position Control of the DelFly II Flapping-wing Micro Air Vehicle in a Wind-tunnel“, in 8th International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Competition, in 8th International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Competition. Beijing, 2016.
Im Sommersemester gebe ich die Vorlesung Mehrgrößenregelung im Master Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik.
Im Wintersemester biete ich die Lehrveranstaltung Nonlinear Flight Control Systems mit dem Seminar zu aktuellen Themen der Systemtheorie in der Flugregelung für den Master Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik und Technische Kybernetik.
Gerne betreue ich Arbeiten zu Ihrem individuellen Thema aus den Bereichen der nichtlinearen Flugsystem- und -regelungstheorie.
Betreute Themen
- Norm-based region of attraction estimation for AI (MA)
- Neural network based model-predictive upset recovery control in real-time (BA)
- Strategies for convergence of region of attraction estimation algorithms (MA)
- Quantitative stability analysis based on inflight experiments (BA)
- Real-time optimization of model-predictive control for aircraft upset recovery (MA)
- A feasibility governor for model-predictive control of an aerial robot (MA)
Ich bin Akademischer Rat der Universität Stuttgart, Adjunct Assistant Research Scientist an der Universität Michigan und Mitglied des Jungen ZiFs am Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung der Universität Bielefeld.
2010—2014 Studium der Informatik (B.Sc. 2013) und der Luft- und Raumfahrtinformatik (B.Sc. 2014) an der Universität Würzburg
2014—2016 Studium der Automatisierungstechnik (M.Sc. 2016) an der RWTH Aachen
2019 Promotion in Regelungs- und Systemtheorie an der ISAE-Supaéro, Universität Toulouse
2019—2021 Research Fellow an der Universität von Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI
2016—2019 Doktorand am französischen Luftfahrtforschungsinstitut ONERA und der Hochschule für zivile Luftfahrt, ENAC, in Toulouse
2018 Vehicle Optimization Lab, Universität von Michigan
2018 Automation & Control Group, Universität Aalborg
2015/2016 Micro Air Vehicle Lab, Technische Hochschule Delft